Lasagne végétalienne

Personnes 5
Temps de préparation 60

Les lasagnes, l'un des plats les plus réconfortants et les plus réchauffants qui soient. Avec des couches de légumes et de pâtes à la sauce tomate crémeuse, ce plat est la référence absolue pour une indulgence nourrissante. Nous avons recréé ce classique réconfortant mais cette fois, sans la viande. Nous avons testé cette recette et l'avons portée à un autre niveau en ajoutant une couche de nos pommes de terre rissolées au chou-fleur et OH-MY ! Si vous êtes un végétalien dévoué ou si vous essayez de réduire votre consommation de viande, cette recette est pour vous. Cela prend un peu plus de temps que nos créations de repas habituelles, mais cela en vaut vraiment la peine.


méthode (Cochez au fur et à mesure)


Heat the olive oil in a large, non-stick saucepan and fry the onion for 3 minutes, or until softened and translucent, stirring constantly.Add the aubergine, courgette, pepper and mushrooms and fry for 12-14 minutes, making sure to stir regularly.Add the garlic and cook for a few seconds more, then stir in the red lentils, tomatoes, seasoning and crumbled stock cube.


Refill one of the tomato tins with water (400ml/14fl oz) and pour into the pan. Stir well, bring to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes, stirring regularly. Add the spinach leaves, a handful at a time and cook for 1–2 minutes more.


At this point place both packs of Cauliflower Hash Browns on a baking tray and cook for 10-12 minutes.


While the hash browns are cooking and vegetables are simmering, make the white sauce. Heat the oil in a medium saucepan. When it is hot add the flour and cook, stirring all the time, for 1 minute. Stir in the oat milk, nutritional yeast, bay leaf and nutmeg and season well with salt and pepper.


Bring to a simmer, whisking constantly with a metal whisk over a moderate heat for 4–5 minutes, or until smooth and thickened. (Use a silicone covered whisk if using a non-stick saucepan.) Adjust the seasoning to taste – we added lots of black pepper so you be generous here.


The number of layers in your lasagne will depend on the size of the dish. We recommend using a 2½ –3 litre/4½– 5 pints ovenproof lasagne dish.Spread over a third of the mixture covering with a single layer of lasagne sheets. Top with another third of the vegetable mixture (don’t worry if it doesn’t cover evenly) and a second layer of lasagne.


Pour over just under half of the white sauce, after removing the bay leaf, and very gently top with the remaining vegetable mixture.


Bake at 200C for 35-40 minutes, or until the pasta has softened slightly. After 25 minutes top with the Cauliflower Hash Browns and melted vegan cheese and cook for remaining 10 minutes. Stand for 5 minutes before cutting to allow the filling to settle.

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