Salade de légumes grillés avec vinaigrette au tahini

Personnes 4
Temps de préparation 30

Cette salade de légumes grillés comprend des légumes grillés à la perfection, de délicieux produits STRONG ROOTS rôtis, puis un filet de vinaigrette au tahini et au citron éclatante et ensoleillée. Vive l'été, nous sommes prêts !


méthode (Cochez au fur et à mesure)


Preheat the oven to 200°C.


Place STRONG ROOTS products on a baking tray and cook as per instructions on the bag


Chop vegetables, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with chopped garlic. Season to taste


On either a barbecue or in a griddle pan in the kitchen begin to cook your vegetables. You're looking to achieve charring without burning. When finished set aside and let cool


In a small bowl mix yogurt, maple syrup, tahini and lemon juice. Season to taste.


Remove STRONG ROOTS products form the oven. Combine with grilled vegetables and serve in your favorite serving dish.


Drizzle over your dressing and garnish with chopped parsley and spring onion.

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